A Turkish hacker group who call themselves ZeHiRLiYiLaN[GöLGe] hacked Maldives department of Meteorology website
http://www.meteorology.gov.mv/. They replaced
http://www.meteorology.gov.mv/index.html and
http://www.meteorology.gov.mv/index.htm files with their own. However everything seems fine when you browse to
http://www.meteorology.gov.mv/. because they failed to delete
http://www.meteorology.gov.mv/default.asp which is the default. What was the purpose behind the attack? Find it out
Update: The site is restored now :)
its real
But problem is "Politik Sebepler". Wats is tht.. I have tried some language tools but no luck.
hahhaa.. good job turkerzz. thiys turkish fellows are leading this work nowadayzz
yea wats the meaning of Politik Sebepler?
Kindly change your whos.amung.us widget's ID. I've been using 'iloveyou' for few months and counting.
To show prove, check the monthly/yearly graphs.
autodynamix, I guess "Politik Sebepler" has something to do with politics.. hehe.
Felix Ker, I apologize for using your whos.amung.us widget's ID. I have changed it now. Thanks for notifying me.
Cheers everyone.
My name is CataLaK firsty politik sebepoler is political reoson its for turey We are the turkish cyber soldier...
look at this, the site arent restored...
its 16thAug, 03:15pm
yeah mrMalvian, It isn't restored properly, But at least at its root level the index.html and index.htm files are deleted. I am not sure whether the hackers did it or the tech guys at meteorology did it. Thanks for notifying. Cheers buddy!
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